The 360 is the less valuable gaming console to me. I really don't like the design, the games and the freaking Microsoft's "you have to pay for everything" marketing strategies. I own several gaming console and I can say that the 360 is the most worthless console I have.
The hardware is just a bunch of crap glued together in a white plastic shell. For all the gaming consoles I have, the 360 is the worst for hardware failures. Let's talk about the famous red ring of death. It could mean anything like memory overheat, GPU overheat, bullshit overheat, etc. Yeah, half hardware failures comes from the bad design and the deficient hardware cooling. The rest are other bullshit like a cheap DVD player that fails every now and then. Even the original Xbox had less hardware flaws.
The games on the 360 are worthless pieces of crap. I mean all the exclusive ones. I didn't like Halo games. What other interesting exclusive games there is? Konquer's badfurday? I don't give a flying fuck about this, I have the original on the N64! Good games on the 360 are often available on the PS3 or the Wii, so why would I give a shit on buying a 360 when I have these great games on my PS3 already?
The fucking "you must pay for anything" just pisses me off! HEY! You must pay your Xbox live subscription and you must pay for a wireless internet adapter! These two comes for FREE on PS3 AND Wii. Other thing that pisses me of are the controller. The controllers are very good ergonomically. My complaint is on the wireless controllers. Go figure, some genius at Microsoft thought that wireless controller had to use a proprietary homegrown protocol. Hum... BLUETOOTH GUYS? Why in the name of fuck you could not go for a STANDARD protocol that EVERYBODY uses except you?
Sega power BITCHES!