Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome to Quebec!

(I'm tired, but this has to go out of my mind. Please excuse my incoherency.)

Every now and then, there is someone who rages on something wrong with the Quebec. I often answer: Welcome to Quebec! or Bienvenue au Québec! with a big load of sarcasm.

This sums everything that goes wrong here. Us quebecers are nothing more than little whining people. We whine on everything but we don't do nothing to change. A normal quebecer doesn't have a spine and is unable to change something. It goes wrong, we whine or rage on and that's it! What a shit load of stupidity. I mean, look we could change things for the best, but instead we just whine on it.

Another thing I just fucking hate, is when someone intelligent wants to change something, he's destroyed by the others. We don't like changing, we love to whine!

I could go and rant on a shitload of things that are just plain wrong for pages and pages, but I'll keep that for later. I'm kind of exhausted mentally with all the shit I ate today, so I'm gonna go sleep.

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